I will soon be very, very fat.

🗓 posted Oct 03, 2008 by Josh Erb
🔢 319 words

Europe » France » Auvergne » Moulins

If I haven't previously mentioned, I've been living in a restaurant for the last one month and six days. In a tribute to my friend the chef, this week I decided to put up some pictures of the fine cuisine I've enjoyed recently. I know it's a bit odd to take pictures of food before you eat it, but look at the pictures and you'll understand. Before you get mad and tell me it's not fair that I'm eating like this while there are starving college students living off "Ramen", you need to realize that this a cruscial part of my cultural experience. How can I truly experience France without eating some of the best dishes France has to offer?

An average night.
This tasted pretty good...it was completely devoured five minutes after this picture was taken.

Me and the chef are pretty tight.

More dessert.
Small but tasty.

Sweet plate.
Technically I didn't have three square meals this day...

Other things that've been going on this week include my first day of Rugby practice, my first European Doctors exam, and generally just bumming around. Rugby was fun, I have a feeling my knees will be in a constant state of "scrapped-up-ness" until the end of the season. I am enjoying the work ethic though, in France for most school sports the team only meets once a week for practice. It's awesome, I recommend it for all sporting organizations all over the world. I'm also very excited because at the end of this month I will experience my first break from school from October 24th to November 6th...and my family will be taking a trip to Centre Parc (if you're desperate to know what that is I recommend googling it), it should be very fun. So until next post, thanks for reading.

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