Semi-Big News

🗓 posted Dec 07, 2008 by Josh Erb
🔢 368 words

Europe » France » Auvergne » Moulins

So this past week-end was exceptionel. In fact a little bit more than exceptionel. Saturday morning at the early hour of 9:30 I departed from the tranquility of my host home and set out on a fantastical voyage with a "hyper cool" lady from my rotary. With her and her family I celebrated christlmas 19 days early... and whew it was quite a time (Elizabeth, only you will ever know why ;-]). At the christmas lunch that I spent with this delightful family (which took place from 1 to 4 or 5 in the afternoon, and no that is not a typo) I had the distinct honor of service the champagne that we had with our dessert. Seeing as I'm not habituated to this the family decided it was a perfect picture oportuninty(?). Hence the picture, ta-da! In case anybody wants to question my 4Ds integrity I will say this: champagne has less alcohol than vodka therefore, it's not the worst thing I could do.

Advanced Technique
I'm fairly certain that no "faux pas" where commited during the making of this photo.

After the celebrations, my night was not even close to over. Through a series of connections that is so complicated I won't even try to explain, I ended up going to a "soirée" that the Lyon rotary district was having with it's students. I met a lot of cool students who feel almost exactly the same way about France as I do at the moment and I got to speak a ton of english, which is always good. And so, after this wonderful week's end during which I even visited Lyon a little bit, I am know out of my valley and onto a hill. (Symbolism or maybe a metaphor...deep)

I should also mention that I'm changing host families in 13 days! Aïe! But don't worry I'm only moving across the street and my address is only changing by one number, in fact I can see my next house from my bedroom window. So until "la prochaine fois"...good-bye and thanks for reading.

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