
🗓 posted Sep 10, 2008 by Josh Erb
🔢 272 words

Europe » France » Centre

I promised pictures of my trip to the Mediterranean and I wasn't joking. Here they are. I know it's only four pictures but look at it this way, it's better than three. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to upload these because this computer hates american cameras, but thankfully that semester of computer classes actually turned out to be usefull after all!

Some beach.
Don't worry fearful parents, all my pictures are nudity free!

These last to weeks have been hectic because I got my first taste of French school...I do not recommend it for anyone, ever. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to write in the coming days because tomorrow my host family re-opens their restaurant, and it's going to be very busy around the house until about...december when I move in with my second family. I'm sure that everyone would like to see where I've been living recently so I'll see if I can take some pictures, or at least describe it very vividly in my next post. Last weekend I got to travel out to Montluçon and meet my host mother's parents and brothers it was very exciting to see more of France, the more I see of this country the more I like it. Thanks for reading.

The apartment building.
You can't see our apartment, it's covered by the restaurant...sorry.

My feet in the Mediterranean sea.
I totally crossed off a life goal after this picture.

Looking back at the beach.
There were these cool rocks you could walk out to, so, of course, we did.

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