A Right of Passage

🗓 posted Dec 10, 2008 by Josh Erb
🔢 473 words

Europe » France » Burgundy » Baune

Alors, pour commencer je vais parler en française, mais vous n'inquetez pas je vais écrire en anglais aussi...en fait je crois que il n'y a que de deux ou trois personnes qui peut comprendre ce que je suis en train d'écrire...bon...ça suffit je vais continuer en anglais, même si j'aime bien d'écrire en français de temps en temps...et pour ceux qu'a compris: ne dites personne que j'ai fait beaucoup des fauts.

So today, I'm writing for an incredibly important reason. Wine. Yes that's right, and not just any wine, today I visited one of the most respected one cellars in all of France. If there are any wine experts reading right now get ready for a huge name drop. Here it comes: "Bouchard Père & Fils". I know right? For those who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about let me explain in terms that helped me understand. For starters this family of wine has been around since 1731. That's 45 years before my country officially existed!

The Family Crest
The Family Crest.
There's actually a lot of symbolism behind this...if I understood correctly.

Today I saw bottles of wine that were more than 150 years old! I didn't even think that was possible. I think it goes without saying that if your wine company has been around for more than 250 years, you're doing something right. What's even better is I'm now an advanced expert in the ways of wine tasting and and such. In fact I'm going to do something special and list all the wines that were swished around in my mouth aujourd'hui. They go something like this:

And that's only the reds! I also tasted 5 other whites, as well as three additional wines with lunch. Thank you, I'm practically french now it's true. If there are some of you out there who didn't understand anything at all while reading this post, don't worry all it takes is a year or more in France to only start to understand the importance of wine in french culture. Thanks for reading, and I don't want any comments about how I've become an elitist since I've left home...

It was cold and crappy, and this is also "le vigne de l'enfant Jésus" if I'm not mistaken...

French Spread
The tour guide told me that they sell happiness in a bottle...
...therefore you must have to pay more to be extra happy.